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Alderman Brian Watkyns
email: bwatkyns@icon.co.za |
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About Brian Watkyns
The year 2000 saw the introduction of mega- cities with 200 Councillors. Ward 37 had areas of Langa, Kensington, Observatory, Mowbray and Hazendal included to create new Ward 53. In 2005, the boundaries were changed to exclude Kensington but Maitland Garden Village was once again included. Brian is currently the Chairperson of the Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee and the Chairperson for Sub Council 15. Brian also serves on the Spatial Planning,Environment and Land Use Management Committee. In addition he is a trustee on the Cape Municipal Pension Fund and a member of the Table Mountain Advisory Forum Steering Committee. From time to time Brian issues printed report backs in the form of a Pinelands Focus and a Thornton Focus. Updates are issued on a regular basis in an e-mail format. If you want to be included in the mailing list send your details to bwatkyns@icon.co.za. Separate updates are sent to Pinelands, Thornton and Epping, so please indicate which you would like to receive. If you would also like to receive news of a more political nature, please indicate and you will be added to the political news database. You can also visit Brian's own website at |
Recent Issues & Articles:Read more on these topics on this page
Howard Centre: Redevelopment IssuesHoward Centre management boycotted a meeting which I called on Tuesday 24 August to try to resolve a number of outstanding issues surrounding the recent upgrading of the Centre.
It is a great pity that the Centre Management have seen fit to exclude themselves from the process of trying to resolve these outstanding issues. I even promised not allow discussion around the sensitive issue of tiles at the Centre. Despite their refusal to be in involved in the process we have asked officials to meet with Centre Management without the presence of the Association. Ward Forum members or myself and report back at our next meeting Nightingale Way: Traffic Calming Measures
Pinelands Police Station: Inadequacy of current premises
Children's Play Park Moved to Central Square
Parks Dept man in Pinelands, Themba died recently
Building Renovation around Central Square Heritage Area
City awards tender for Athlone cooling tower demolitionThe Athlone Power Station which was shut down in 2005 has been an issue for Pinelands residents for many years. Earlier this year it was decided that the two towers would be demolished, due to the fact that they have become structurally unsafe. The original date for demolition of May 30 is being reconsidered at the moment. The Future of the Athlone Power StationThe Athlone Power Station which was shut down in 2005 has been an issue for Pinelands residents for many years. Earlier this year it was decided that the two towers would be demolished, due to the fact that they have become structurally unsafe. The original date for demolition of May 30 is being reconsidered at the moment. Council passes by-law to deal with problem buildingsThe City Council has passed a by-law enabling it to deal swiftly with the control and management of dilapidated and problem buildings throughout Cape Town. The legislation empowers the City to implement a strategy to address problem buildings by rejuvenating them or demolishing them. The by-law was formulated following the finalisation of an extensive public participation process. City tables draft budget of R22,8 billion for 2010/11The City has tabled a draft budget of R22,8 billion for 2010/11. This is made up of an operating budget of R19.3 billion and a capital budget of R3.55 billion. City tables new tariffs for electricity, water and refuseThe City of Cape Town has proposed new tariffs including average increases of 24,6% for electricity, 10% for water and sanitation, and 18% for refuse collection. .
2009 General Property Valuation underwayCity property valuers are currently working on the next general valuation, which involves an additional 100 000 rateable properties since the last valuation in 2006. General valuations are carried out every three to four years to reflect the shift in value between the types of property in Cape Town. The new valuation roll, upon which property rates will be based from July 2010.
City calls for water restrictions to be observedWhile our dams are full following the recent rains, this situation can change rapidly with the onset of strong South Easters, as we are experiencing at present, because they not only dry out gardens, but markedly increase the evaporation rate and draw-down rate of our dams. Despite the good winter rains, we are still on level 1 water restrictions as set out in the by-law. Among the most important restrictions relating to watering gardens are: o The ban on watering gardens between 10:00 and 16:00 o Handheld hoses used for watering, must be fitted with an automatic self closing device o Water may not be used for washing down hard surfaced or paved areas Residents to report leaking taps, pipes and hydrants to the Water Department at the technical call centre number 0860 103 054 or by e-mailing watertoc@capetown.gov.za or by sending a fax to 021 957 4726 or by using an SMS of no more than 160 characters to the number 31373, Cable Theft in PinelandsOver the past three weeks cable theft has occurred in Pinelands once again leaving a number of areas without street lights. For issues relating to cable theft, call the toll free 24/7 hotline: 0800 222 771. Free Concert in Wynberg Park on Reconcilliation DayThe Concert in the Park is an annual event by the City of Cape Town to encourage and celebrate reconciliation and national unity through music. Families from different cultural backgrounds are encouraged to bring along a picnic or use the park's braai facilities and enjoy an afternoon of entertainment for all. The event will begin at 12:00 and end at 18:00, when the park closes. The music lineup will feature well known Cape Town bands and individuals, and various community artists such as Chad Saaiman, Hot Water, Tucan Tucan and The Rudimentals. The City's Come and Play Department will entertain children with jumping castles, games and face painting. Parking will be on a first come, first service basis, and will be supervised by security personnel. Appeal to support Siyabonga Tshmese
Arbour Day in Pinelands![]() ![]() The first arbour day celebration in Pinelands took place exactly 80 years ago on August 31, 1929. That event had to be postponed due to bad weather. This year history repeated itself. The arbour day celebration due to take place on September 7th, was postponed due to heavy rains. In 1929, when they reconvened some days later , each pupil who came to plant a tree in Broadwalk received a trowel and a ”goody” bag of sweets. The event lasted the whole day including athletic events and ended with a film show in the evening. This year we reconvened our tree planting but without all the festivities of the bygone era. Nevertheless the importance of tree planting remains and was very evident in the ceremony. The planting took place in University Drive after Angela Chester, on behalf of the Park Lane residential complex, approached Alderman Brian Watkyns to have trees planted in the area as part of arbour day. Each school in Pinelands sent two learners and a teacher and were each given a tree to plant. Residents from the neighbouring complexes in University Drive joined in, resulting in some 50 people gathering to celebrate the tree planting. The weather was threatening to rain so the trees were planted before the formalities began as the tree planting was the most important activity of the day. Jennifer Fabing from City Parks then spoke about the tree of the year and Alderman Watkyns spoke of famous tree planters both in the past and in the present. Luckily, the rain held off until the celebration was over and all enjoyed some refreshments. Ten minutes after everyone packed up, the rain started. |